Process conceptual design

The engineering software on this page can be downloaded for free. Our chemical engineering consultants have found these software to be helpful when executing process conceptual design tasks. The unit converter software provides 330 units of measurement in 24 different categories and was designed to provide quick and accurate conversion calculations between different units of measurement in many engineering disciplines.

Free Unit Converter - Jimmy Lea P/L


Feel free to download a copy of our comprehensive engineering unit converter software for your personal use. It offers a wide range of unit conversions and is provided free of charge, with no malware, advertisements, or royalties. To download, simply click the icon on the left and follow the instructions.

Please note that this unit conversion software and any associated support from Jimmy Lea P/L are offered "AS IS," without any express or implied warranties.

By downloading this software, you agree that Jimmy Lea P/L disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Jimmy Lea P/L will not be liable for any damages, including but not limited to lost profits, lost savings, or any incidental or consequential damages, whether caused by data loss, software or computer failure, or any other reason. This includes any claims from the user or third parties.


Engineering & Simulation Consultants